why is walking so great for me ?


So why is walking so great for me?

If you don't believe that walking is the single most important thing you can do to improve your health - think again! There are several physical activities you can engage yourself in, but walking is the best of them all. There is a reason why it is the most widely recommended form of exercise by physicians all around the world. Here's why: It's simple! Walking isn't complicated (hell I've been doing it since I was 10 months old). You don't need any fancy-schmancy equipment either. It is low impact so that leads to a very important point - it has little to no risk of injuries.

Unlike other types of exercises, walking is ideal for people of all stages of life and requires no training whatsoever to perform. On a daily basis you can have a 30 minute walk and you will benefit immensely from this simple exercise. The following are only some of the numerous benefits of walking and why it is good for your health:

 - Reduces the risk of heart disease

There have been many studies which show that walking on a regular basis can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. This includes heart problems as well as strokes. As you might know, there is good cholesterol (HDL) and bad cholesterol (LDL). Walking lowers bad cholesterol levels in the body while at the same time increasing the good cholesterol levels. Increased HDL cholesterol help in keeping blood pressure under control.

 - Lowers type 2 diabetes

According to a study conducted by the British Medical Journal, walking on a daily basis can greatly help prevent type 2 diabetes. As if that wasn't a reason enough to start walking right now, it also reduces the risk of getting asthma and cancer! The risk can be reduced for several types of cancer including cancer of the colon, womb and breast. Now your evening stroll just got a purpose!

- Helps in maintaining a healthy weight

In order for you to lose weight, it is important that you burn more calories than you eat on a daily basis. Walking is one of the easiest ways to burn these calories. This is attributed to the fact that when you walk, every single movable part of your body is involved. This means that each muscle responsible in the movement of these parts is working hard.

 - Helps in preventing dementia

A recent study showed that a huge percentage of the elderly population suffer from dementia simply because of reduced brain activity. Being active has a positive effect on brain function and helps it stay alert. Therefore in order to reduce the risk of dementia, it is advisable to take regular walks.

- Enhances Bone Health

Walking will stimulate and strengthen your bones. This in turn increases the bone density and boosts their development and reduces injuries associated with unhealthy bone formation or development. This is especially true for women. On top of that, walking also helps in maintaining healthy joints and prevents the risk of getting arthritis.

 - Helps in toning your arms, bum, tummy and legs

A simple walk can immensely strengthen your legs especially your hamstrings and quads. It’s great for shaping your calves and your glutes (yes, your butt). Additionally, when you maintain good posture while walking, it can also help tone your abs and legs and even shape your waist as well. As you walk, you glutes and abs are tightened naturally as your movement is controlled by your arms and legs. Your figure will profit from this - another good reason for taking a walk on a regular basis!

- Enhances your mood

Whether it is mild or intensive exercise, it is agreed that exercising can improve your mood. When you exercise or walk, it helps in the release of feel-good endorphins by the body into the blood stream. These endorphins reduce stress, mild depression and anxiety. So next time when you are feel down or stressed, take a brisk walk and you will find your mood elevated and that the stress is gone.

- Gives you energy

Walking just like any other form of exercise increases oxygen supply in the body. This improves blood circulation and helps you stay alert. All of this results in a huge boost of your energy levels. It also eases muscle tension and reduces the midafternoon energy slump that you usually feel after eating lunch. The best way to deal with being sluggish, especially in the afternoon or when you are at work, is to take a walk outside as it will help you feel alive all day. And if you're suffering from a case of the Monday blues, try taking a walk. I guarantee it is a better pick-me-up than a cup of coffee!

- Improves balance and coordination

Walking helps in improving coordination of all parts of the body. When you walk, almost each and every part of your body is involved. This makes it easy to improve coordination because you have to balance your body. It's no wonder that individuals recovering from any form of ailment are always encouraged to take simple walks as a form of exercise.

- Enhance mental health

Being idle has a lot of disadvantages to the brain. Walking gives you an opportunity to change the setting of your environment, which excites the brain. This excitement makes the brain active enabling it to reason faster and become sharper. From the health benefits of walking mentioned above, it becomes very clear that taking a walk on a daily basis is important to your general health. Therefore, for you to stay fit and maintain a healthy body and mind, take walks on a regular basis.


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